
DevDigital developer thrives in C# Corner contributions


DevDigital developer thrives in C# Corner contributions

          在DevDigital, it’s not hard to see that our development team has quite the impressive portfolio of technological skills. They’re the reason why we’ve been able to develop award-winning custom...




There have been many conversations in Nashville recently about how to improve our public transportation system to meet the needs of our growing population. Perhaps you have noticed in the past couple of months an influx of men and women flying...

Peter Marcum Looks for Deals in the Digital Realm


Peter Marcum Looks for Deals in the Digital Realm

  Peter Marcum was highlighted in the Nashville 业务 Journal this month. He continues to lead the march in tech development here in Nashville, and we could not be prouder to have him as our leader. 阅读下面的文章了解更多...

Want To Learn More 关于 Tech Industry Trends?


Want To Learn More 关于 Tech Industry Trends?

We pride ourselves on our dedication to innovation and being on top of the latest technology trends. We've rounded up some of the spots where you can find industry news, thoughts, and re搜索 studies. cnet mashable ——下一个...

DevDigital Launches 内核股本: A Firm Not A Fund


DevDigital Launches 内核股本: A Firm Not A Fund

DevDigital has announced the launch of 内核股本 - a spinoff that will play a unique role in Nashville’s venture ecosystem. 利用DevDigital的传统功能, Kernel’s core competence will be the seamless integration...

DevDigital's Look Back on 2016 and Ahead to 2017


DevDigital's Look Back on 2016 and Ahead to 2017

2016 has been a year of fast-paced growth at DevDigital. In 2016, we completed over 90 projects for small businesses all the way up to Fortune 500 Companies. We have worked on innovative projects in education, healthcare, retail food, music,...

米奇·巴拉德 Attends Nashville Rotary Club Retreat


米奇·巴拉德 Attends Nashville Rotary Club Retreat

DevDigital创始合伙人, 米奇·巴拉德, is the co-chair of the After Hours and Special Events Committee of the Nashville Rotary Club, 与纽约警察局副局长W. 托德•亨利. Ballard recently attended a retreat hosted by the Nashville...

How The Ed-Tech Market Is Transforming Technology


How The Ed-Tech Market Is Transforming Technology

A recent article in The Atlantic states that the ed-tech market is worth more than $8 billion, although “skeptics question whether the new products improve learning.” While many people are still unconvinced that educational technology...

The 企业家ial Mind Lands Weekly Feature in Forbes


The 企业家ial Mind Lands Weekly Feature in Forbes

One of the key uses of digital assets is education, and DevDigital client The 企业家ial Mind is a key example of the value of digital content, but don’t just take our word for it—Forbes thinks so, 太. Dr. Jeff Cornwall, The的首席执行官...




Here at DevDigital we’ve become pretty aware of how fast things change based on technology—it’s kind of the nature of our business! One of the great things about this company is that we’re constantly learning and engaging ourselves so that...




 Have you thought much about your content strategy? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re running 90 miles an hour, trying to make things happen. Your website and other marketing materials are probably low on the priority list--nice to...




Good ideas are the bread and butter of entrepreneurship. There are a million factors that can make or break a business, but a good idea is always where the journey starts. 但是你如何得到一个好主意? James Altucher建议每个人都要写作...




http://www.hiscox.co.英国/商业博客/天生的还是后天的 UK insurance company Hiscox published an infographic a few months ago showing some findings from their recent DNA of an 企业家 study. The infographic is interesting, highlighting some of...




“我需要增加网站的流量!” If sales aren’t coming in quickly, this might be the first thing you think. After all, more traffic equals more sales, right? 不一定. 并不是所有的流量都是一样的. 如果你花了很多...

Where to Find Great 业务 Ideas--Even When You Think You Can't


Where to Find Great 业务 Ideas--Even When You Think You Can't

Have you ever thought you’d like to be an entrepreneur, but you just can’t come up with the right idea? Maybe you’ve got an idea but aren’t sure if it’s viable. Or maybe you feel completely stuck, unable to come up with any idea at...




“You’re willing to give up good on the off-chance of finding great.” 最近有人这样对我说, and the most confusing thing about the statement was that it was said in an accusing way. 每个人不都是这样吗? 事实证明...

Failure Is Inevitable--And It's Not Glamorous


Failure Is Inevitable--And It's Not Glamorous

“困难的事情不是有远大的梦想. The hard thing is waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when the dream turns into a nightmare." --Ben Horowitz, The Hard Thing 关于 Hard Things In the Silicon Valley-inspired startup culture, we...




“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will...

How to Ruin Your 企业家ial Journey Before You Even Start


How to Ruin Your 企业家ial Journey Before You Even Start

我有一个肮脏的小秘密. 我是个完美主义者. 我喜欢把事情做得恰到好处, and I want to know from the outset that they’re going to turn out, 好吧, 完美的. Even if they won’t admit it, most entrepreneurs are the same way. 我们想要...




多亏了Facebook的巨大成功, 推特, 谷歌, 以及其他科技创业公司, entrepreneurship is experiencing another hey day. Some estimates put the number of new tech startups each at 100 million. 让我们面对现实吧,170亿美元...